2024 Hottest Trends in Ecommerce Customer Support


Consumers turn to ecommerce customer support as their first line of defense for numerous issues, from order tracking to troubleshooting products or simply gaining reassurance. 

This critical touchpoint is now undergoing a significant transformation for apparent reasons. Customer expectations are growing with the changing online shopping trends. Today, brand loyalty for 73% of consumers is heavily influenced by the quality of their experience. 

ecommerce customer service

Therefore, the 2024 trends highlight a shift towards faster, more personalized, and proactive support solutions. The focus is no longer merely fixing issues but enhancing the shopping experience. 

Below, we explore some innovative strategies for making online shopping more seamless and keeping customers coming back for more. 




The Escalating Customer Acquisition Costs

The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for the e-commerce industry increased noticeably between 2022 and 2023, a trend expected to continue in 2024. Several factors have driven this rise:

  1. Increased Competition and Advertising Costs: As ecommerce grows, more businesses enter the market, leading to higher competition for digital ad space. This increased competition has driven up customer acquisition costs across many industries. For instance, a study by CommerceNext highlighted that 57% of retailers saw rising CAC as a significant threat to their sales goals in 2022​ (Segment)​.
  2. Privacy Regulations and Digital Advertising: Changes in privacy regulations, such as the phaseout of third-party cookies, have lowered targeting efficiency and made pay-per-click campaigns more expensive. According to EasyInsights, lower match rates in cookie syncing across multiple sites have increased the costs of acquiring new customers through digital channels​.

Data from First Page Sage showed that the average CAC for various ecommerce sectors increased, with significant differences depending on the industry. For example, sectors like consumer electronics and fashion/apparel experienced substantial increases in their CAC, reflecting the broader trend across e-commerce.

Countering these trends, online businesses optimize their marketing strategies, leverage lower-cost channels, and enhance customer retention. Therefore, focusing on extending and maximizing customer lifetime value is more crucial than ever.

This shift necessitates exceptional e-commerce customer support that can build loyalty and provide value beyond the initial purchase. 


Transformative Tendencies in the E-commerce Landscape

The dynamic e-commerce landscape constantly evolves, with several trends shaping its future. Here’s a look at some of the most impactful trends and their implications for customer support. 

  • Customers today expect a unified shopping journey across various platforms and devices. 

Whether browsing on their tablets, mobile phones, or desktops or interacting through social media, they seek consistency. This trend pushes customer support to become more integrated and responsive. 

For instance, ensuring that customer support staff are aware of in-store interactions can provide a personalized and satisfactory customer experience.

  • Personalization has moved beyond simple product recommendations to creating deeply customized experiences that resonate with individual preferences. 

Personalization has evolved from simple product recommendations to creating deeply customized experiences that resonate with individual preferences. E-commerce platforms now leverage big data and analytics to deliver hyper-personalized support, meaning more accurately predicting future interests based on customer behavior.

Ecommerce Customer Care

For customer support teams, this trend requires a deep understanding of analytics tools and the ability to offer tailored solutions and recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • With more online transactions, the risk of fraudulent activities increases. Between 2021 and 2023, 62% of online merchants reported increased friendly fraud. Additionally, experts anticipate artificial intelligence-generated fake IDs will contribute to increased chargeback fraud in 2024. 

Efficient customer support has become crucial in managing chargebacks by providing transparent policies and quick resolution processes. Support teams must be well-versed in fraud detection and prevention strategies to maintain customer trust and mitigate losses.

  • Is Augmented Reality (AR) the next revolution in how customers shop online? 

Augmented Reality (AR) may transform online shopping by allowing customers to visualize products in their environment. For example, interested buyers can now visualize a sofa in their living room, ensuring the size and color fit perfectly.

Ecommerce Service Solutions

According to Statista, 1 in 5 shoppers are interested in AR because it makes shopping fun and interactive. This trend requires support teams to be trained to assist customers with AR-related queries, ensuring they can navigate AR features smoothly and make informed purchasing decisions.

Customer support teams must now engage with customers in real-time on social media, offering immediate assistance and fostering brand loyalty. This trend emphasizes the importance of social media proficiency and the ability to provide prompt, adequate support in a dynamic online environment.

In conclusion, these transformative trends in the E-commerce industry highlight a shift towards faster, more personalized, and proactive support solutions in the e-commerce industry. The focus is no longer merely on fixing issues but on enhancing the overall shopping experience to keep customers returning for more.




54% of consumers make purchasing decisions based on customer service, with 19% citing it as the most critical factor in choosing which companies to buy from. Another statistic highlights that 68% of customers are willing to pay more for services and products from a brand that offers reliable customer service. 

E-commerce businesses must adapt by implementing advanced support systems to handle evolving customer preferences. By doing so, companies can not only meet but exceed their expectations. Below, we’ve curated a list of some rising ecommerce customer support trends. 


Trend 1 – Proactive Customer Support

What Is Proactive Customer Support?

Proactive engagement with data requires businesses to shift from reactive to anticipatory service strategies. Put simply, they need to use data to foresee potential issues and provide solutions before they even become problems.

Instead of waiting for customers to reach out with issues, proactive support teams analyze customer data and identify potential problems. They can anticipate problems based on past purchase history, website behavior, product usage data, or common pain points for similar customers.

Ecommerce Customer Interaction

For instance, a smart home technology provider can analyze device performance data. When they detect early signs of malfunction, they can proactively contact customers with troubleshooting tips or scheduled maintenance. 

Another example could be a customer who just bought a new printer. The data shows that the customer tried registering and setting up the device but could not finalize it. A proactive agent might reach out with a link to a helpful setup guide or video tutorial or offer to troubleshoot any initial connection issues.

This prevents unwanted disruptions and minimizes customer frustration. The result? Enhanced customer satisfaction. 

The goal is to empower customers and prevent frustration by equipping them with the knowledge and resources they need to get the most out of the product or service.


Impact Of Proactive Customer Support On Teams

 In the context of proactive customer service, agents are transforming from reactive problem solvers to customer success partners.

Proactive support isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Agents will leverage customer data and past interactions to tailor their outreach and recommendations to each customer’s needs and situation.

Proactive support requires customer service agents to be more data-driven, analytical, and forward-thinking. It’s a shift from simply reacting to issues to becoming trusted advisors who anticipate customer needs and help them avoid problems altogether.


Trend 2 – The Rise of Self-Service Options

What Is Self-Service for Ecommerce Customer Support?

Self-service options empower customers to complete transactions and resolve issues independently. Data shows that 67% of consumers prefer this option over speaking directly to a customer support member. 

Generally, self-service options include chatbots, FAQ sections, automated order tracking systems, and knowledge bases. 77% of consumers have used one or another self-service portal option, and most prefer knowledge bases. 

Customers appreciate self-service because it provides them with convenience and autonomy. Instead of waiting for customer support, they can find immediate answers and complete transactions at their own pace. 

The popularity of self-service options can be attributed to their convenience and autonomy. As customers can find immediate answers and complete transactions at their own pace, self-service options are increasingly popular in e-commerce. Still, they may not be the ideal solution for all buyers:

  • Complex or Sensitive Issues: Some customer issues require human intervention, especially complex problems, nuanced inquiries, or sensitive topics. Providing live agent support for these situations is essential to prevent customer frustration.
  • Customer Preference Variability: Some customers are tech-savvy and comfortable with self-service. In contrast, others prefer human interaction, especially if they need more confidence with digital tools or if the issue is critical. Older demographic users may find self-service options challenging.
  • Lack of Personal Touch: Self-service options sometimes need more personal touch than human agents provide. Human customer service representatives are strong in emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to handle unique situations. These qualities are crucial for building strong customer relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction, particularly in stressful or frustrating situations.

Ecommerce Customer Experience


Impact of Self-Service Options on Customer Support Teams

The rise of self-service options significantly impacts customer support teams, freeing valuable agent time by deflecting routine inquiries and basic troubleshooting tasks. This allows them to focus on complex customer issues requiring human intervention, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The growing role of self-service necessitates a shift in the skillset required for customer support agents. While empathy and emotional intelligence remain crucial for human interactions, technical aptitude becomes increasingly necessary. 

Agents may need to be adept at:

  • Knowledge Base Management: Contributing to and maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge base ensures customers can find the necessary information.
  • Troubleshooting Complexities: While self-service handles basic issues, agents must be equipped to tackle more intricate problems that may need to be addressed through self-service options.
  • Omnichannel Support: Customers may utilize self-service options across various channels (website, mobile app, etc.). Agents must be comfortable working within an omnichannel environment, providing support through chat interfaces, or seamlessly taking over from a chatbot interaction.

In essence, blended support with strategic self-service options transforms customer support teams from reactive issue solvers to proactive facilitators.  Agents become orchestrators of a customer service ecosystem, ensuring a seamless experience whether a customer chooses self-service or human interaction.


Trend 3 – Truly Considering the Voice of the Customer (VoC): Moving from Echoes to Actionable Insights


Beyond Surveys: What is the Voice of the Customer (VoC)?

Customer feedback has always been part of business strategy. But VoC goes beyond simple surveys and star ratings. It’s about understanding the “why” behind the feedback—the underlying needs, frustrations, and expectations that shape customer experiences. 

Businesses can better understand their customer base by actively gathering and analyzing VoC data from various sources, such as:

  • Social media sentiment analysis: Gauging customer feelings through conversations and brand mentions.
  • Customer support interactions: Analyzing transcripts from chats, emails, and phone calls to identify recurring issues and areas for improvement.
  • Website behavior tracking: Understanding how customers navigate the website and pinpoint areas of confusion or frustration.

Businesses can construct a more comprehensive understanding of customer insights by intertwining these data threads.

Voice of Customer

The Impact of VoC on Ecommerce Customer Support Teams

Traditionally, the customer feedback may have lived in silos, with insufficient impact on daily support operations. However, proper VoC integration transforms how customer support teams function:

  • Identifying common customer pain points through VoC analysis allows for targeted training of support agents. This ensures agents are equipped to address the most pressing customer issues effectively.
  • VoC data can reveal recurring issues before they become widespread problems. By analyzing this data, support teams can proactively identify areas for improvement in product design, service offerings, or communication strategies.
  • Understanding customer needs and preferences through VoC allows agents to personalize support interactions. This can mean recommending relevant knowledge base articles, suggesting alternative solutions, or escalating issues to the right department for faster resolution.
  • By actively addressing customer concerns identified through VoC, businesses can expect a positive impact on customer satisfaction metrics like CSAT and NPS scores. This feedback loop validates the VoC approach and continually motivates teams to strive for improvement.

By truly listening to and integrating this feedback, customer support teams can transform their daily operations to be more proactive and efficient and ultimately deliver a more satisfying customer experience.


Trend 4 – Collaborating and Sharing: The Power of Knowledge Management


What is Knowledge Management in a Contact Center?

Imagine a contact center where every agent possesses the knowledge of veteran agents and the latest product updates. Knowledge Management (KM) involves capturing, organizing, and sharing information within a team.

While a shared Google Doc can be a starting point, effective Knowledge Management (KM) in a contact center goes beyond that. It’s a dynamic system designed to capture, organize, and readily share information crucial for daily operations.

Concretely, here’s what KM might look like in action:

The information is organized around a Centralized Knowledge Base. It is a user-friendly, searchable platform containing articles, FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and video tutorials on common customer issues and product functionalities. Think of it as a company wiki designed explicitly for customer support.

The Knowledge Base is updated in real-time.  New product releases, policy changes, and bug fixes are promptly documented and integrated into the system, ensuring agents can always access the most up-to-date information.

The information within the KM system comes from multiple sources. Veteran agents can contribute their expertise, technical teams can provide product details, and even anonymized call recordings with successful resolutions can be valuable learning tools.

The system evolves in a collaborative environment. Agents can propose improvements to existing articles, suggest new content based on recurring issues, and upvote or comment on helpful resources, fostering a cooperative learning environment.

Ecommerce Helpdesk

The Impact of Knowledge Management on Customer Support Teams

Effective KM empowers agents in several ways:

  • Faster Problem-Solving: No more wasting time reinventing the wheel. With KM, agents can quickly access solutions colleagues use for similar issues, leading to quicker resolutions and happier customers.
  • Improved Consistency: KM ensures everyone is on the same page. Standardized responses and troubleshooting steps eliminate confusion and provide a consistent experience for all customers, regardless of the agent they interact with.
  • Boosted Efficiency: New agents learn faster by absorbing the team’s collective wisdom. This reduces training time and allows them to become productive team members sooner.
  • Empowered and Engaged Agents: Access to a wealth of knowledge increases agent confidence and job satisfaction. They can approach customer interactions with a sense of authority and feel empowered to tackle complex issues effectively.
  • A Sense of Ownership: Contributing to the knowledge base makes agents feel invested in their work. They become not just responders to issues but also knowledge creators, enhancing their sense of ownership and pride in their craft.
  • Continuous Improvement: The ability to propose improvements to existing content and collaborate on solutions fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team. This empowers agents to not only solve problems but also actively shape the way customer support is delivered.
  • Grasping the Bigger Picture: Access to a comprehensive knowledge base allows agents to see beyond individual interactions and understand the broader customer journey. This holistic view empowers them to anticipate customer needs and offer a more comprehensive and proactive level of support.

In essence, KM fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a sense of ownership within the contact center. This translates to a more efficient, consistent, and empowered customer support team, ultimately leading to a more positive customer experience.


Trend 5 – Blending Support with AI Bots and Human Interactions: A Powerful Duet


The Rise of the Machines (and their Helpful Colleagues): What is Blended Support?

Gone are the days of clunky, impersonal chatbots. Blended support is the harmonious fusion of AI-powered chatbots and human customer service agents.  Imagine a customer with a simple question about their order status. An AI chatbot can efficiently handle this inquiry, providing instant answers and freeing up human agents for more complex issues.

Here’s how it works:

  • AI Chatbots as the First Line: Sophisticated chatbots equipped with natural language processing (NLP) can handle routine inquiries, guide customers to relevant information, and troubleshoot basic issues.
  • Seamless Handover to Human Agents: The AI chatbot seamlessly connects the customer with a live agent when a situation requires more in-depth expertise or a more human touch. This handoff is smooth, with the agent inheriting the conversation history and context for a faster resolution.


A Beautiful Harmony: Impact of AI-Human Collaboration on Customer Support Teams

Blended support empowers customer service teams in several ways, emphasizing a more empathetic customer experience.

In today’s world, customers crave interaction with someone who listens, acknowledges their concerns, and genuinely cares about their experience. Research shows that a staggering 67% of customers appreciate empathetic customer support.

The difference between a robotic response and a compassionate agent who truly listens to a customer’s story and validates their frustration can be profound. Empathetic support goes beyond resolving the issue and leaves a lasting positive impression. It conveys to customers they are valued as individuals, not just as transactions.

The rise of technology, which often mediates customer interactions, makes empathy even more critical.  Businesses must prioritize training their representatives to express empathy. While empathy may seem like an innate quality, consistent effort and training can equip agents with the skills to connect with customers on a deeper level.

However, businesses must embody empathy for a truly empathetic approach to be practical. An empathetic work environment fosters happier, more engaged employees who are better equipped to extend that empathy to their customers. 


Trend 6 – Advanced Personalization

91% of consumers are more likely to purchase from companies that remember them and provide suggestions based on their preferences. That’s where personalization truly shines. Yet, advanced personalization takes things a step further. 

It goes beyond generic suggestions and creates highly targeted interactions that resonate more deeply with customers. Here’s how. 

Instead of solely relying on age or location, businesses can analyze customer behavior, such as browsing history and previous purchases. This would help them to predict future interests more accurately. 

For instance, rather than suggesting products based on age group, a fashion retailer might recommend specific styles based on customers’ past purchases of similar items. Likewise, a streaming service could suggest movies based on genre, recent viewing habits, and user ratings. 

Additionally, businesses can use better data to improve their predictive power. AI is crucial because it analyzes how customers behave on websites. 

For instance, rather than relying on personal details that customers might not want to share, this approach allows businesses to predict what customers might like or need next. No wonder 75% of business leaders have embraced AI to make informed decisions.


Trend 7 – Omnichannel: Reaching Maturity and Integration


What is Omnichannel Maturity?

Visualize a customer’s shopping journey as an orchestra. In a traditional, multi-channel approach, each touchpoint – online store, mobile app, social media, physical store – acts like a separate instrument playing its tune. Omnichannel maturity and integration elevate this to a symphony, where all channels work together seamlessly to create a unified and harmonious customer experience.

Here’s the key difference: with omnichannel, customers encounter consistent messaging, branding, and service across all platforms. They can research a product online, see a targeted ad on social media, and then walk into a physical store where the staff is aware of their online browsing history. This creates a smooth, personalized experience that reduces friction and frustration throughout the buying process.

Businesses must offer cohesive customer support across all channels to ensure omnichannel integration. According to IBM, 48% of consumers prefer seeking product availability online before buying in-store. An inconsistent experience can, therefore, be a significant turn-off for them.    


The Sweet Music of Success: Impact on Daily Operations of Support Teams

In their daily operations, customer support teams gain a unified customer view, seeing a customer’s entire purchase journey, regardless of their channel. 

With omnichannel integration, support agents can access a single customer profile that consolidates past interactions (chat transcripts, emails, phone calls), purchase history, and browsing behavior. 

This unified view empowers agents to:

  • personalize their support,
  • resolve issues faster,
  • eliminate the need to navigate multiple interfaces, simplifying their daily task.

In short, achieving omnichannel maturity enables a more efficient and customer-centric approach to support, ultimately leading to a more positive experience for both customers and the support team.



The days of one-size-fits-all solutions are over. Customers now expect meaningful interactions that make them feel heard and valued. 

This year, the focus is on creating highly personalized and seamless experiences that address customer needs before they even arise. 

At NAOS Solutions, we understand the role of customer support in business success. Therefore, we help you create positive and memorable experiences that increase customer loyalty. 

Contact us today to discover how you can improve your ecommerce customer support to drive your business forward. 

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