A Back Office Outsourcing Customer Success Story: How NAOS CX Helped Securing Data Management


In this Back Office Outsourcing Customer Success Story, we will show how NAOS CX addressed the crucial data management needs of a prominent real estate company. Data is as valuable as currency, and ensuring its accuracy and security is paramount for businesses aiming to maintain an edge. That is why this case study delves into a comprehensive data management project that NAOS CX has undertaken for this client. 

Back Office Outsourcing Customer Succes Story

Faced with the challenge of harmonizing and updating two disjointed databases, the company struggled with inaccurate customer information.

NAOS CX was selected to streamline databases and implement stringent security measures to protect sensitive customer data. Our intervention improved our client’s operational efficiency, allowing for more targeted and personalized customer interactions. We will see how expert back-office solutions elevate customer service, enhancing the quality of customer interactions and service delivery.




Listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX), the Client is a renowned real estate company. Its expansive portfolio across Egypt comprises over 40 compounds, revered for its high-quality residential, commercial, and retail properties. Complementary to the housing activity, the Client also manages Class A social and sports clubs. They have two separate databases for the housing and the club memberships that live in parallel. Faced with the daunting task of cleansing their extensive customer database, the Client turned to NAOS CX for an efficient and secure solution.

Corporate Support Outsourcing Case Studies

Embarking on a strategic initiative to refine and enhance its customer data management, the Client recognized the critical need for expert intervention to address the complexities of their dual-database system. The outsourcing contract involved verifying:

  • 22,000 housing accounts, each containing a contract (an average of 74-page documents), at least 20 mandatory fields, and the required attached files.  
  • 4,400 club membership accounts.

The Client chose NAOS CX for its proven expertise and innovative approach to back-office solutions. The project’s ambition extended beyond mere data cleansing; it aimed to unify housing and club membership databases into a single comprehensive customer file. 

They needed to outsource the cleansing of their customers’ database, which included data entry, verification, updating, and quality control of database input. They had all their contracts scanned in their system, and they needed a partner to help them clean, deduplicate, update, and verify all their clients’ information in their CRM is accurate and current. 

Through meticulous data entry, verification, updating, and rigorous quality control processes, NAOS CX was set to redefine the Client’s data infrastructure, ensuring its alignment with the highest standards of accuracy and security.




Streamlining Data Management

The complexity and the volume of the Client’s data magnified the challenges inherent in their database management system. They faced significant hurdles with their previous data management practices, as their final client’s database was cluttered, impacting their ability to communicate effectively with them. 

The existing data entry methodology led to duplicated and outdated information, making sending targeted SMS and WhatsApp communications challenging. This not only affected operational efficiency but also compromised customer satisfaction and trust.


Ensuring The Security And Integrity Of Customer Information 

Given the significant financial and personal data involved in real estate transactions, it was paramount to maintain the utmost level of confidentiality and safety. Real estate transactions include confidential personal details and financial records, making them a high-value target for breaches and fraud. 

The Client’s selection of an outsourcing partner was thus predicated on finding a solution that addressed data accuracy and efficiency and met the highest data security standards. 

Recognizing the critical nature of the Client’s data, NAOS CX proposed a comprehensive security protocol designed to safeguard against the risks associated with data management and outsourcing. This proactive approach to security was instrumental in addressing the Client’s challenges. We ensured their extensive customer database was accurately updated and securely protected, thus preserving customer trust and satisfaction.




Capitalizing on its experience, NAOS CX developed a bespoke solution, emphasizing Quality, Efficiency, and Transparency, which are the values that have always driven our actions. 

NAOS CX recruited a dedicated team of 17 agents, a Quality Officer, and a Supervisor. The recruiters have selected the team members according to strict requirements, including a good command of English and familiarity with Contact Center and CRM tools. 


Implementation Process

This structured approach ensured thorough cleansing and updating of the customer database, enhancing the clarity and utility of the data.

NAOS CX proposed a methodology to segment the project into five phases: 

  • Phase 0 – Preparatory: Recruitment (2 weeks) and training of the team (1 intensive week, including role plays to familiarize with the client’s CRM organization)
  • Phase 1 – Data Entry: Checking the CRM data entries are consistent with the scanned copies of contracts and filling in the missing or incorrect data (12 weeks)
  • Phase 2 – Data Consolidation: Reviewing and adding Club membership data into Salesforce (5 weeks)
  • Phase 3 – Quality Control:  Controlling all data entered in phases one and two and cross-checking against legal documents (9 weeks)
  • Phase 4 – Data Verification and Updating: Contacting customers for validation and verification of the entered data (3 weeks)

A comprehensive report to the client’s C-suite followed the completion of the mission.


Security Measures

Given the sensitivity of customer data, NAOS CX implemented stringent security protocols tailored to protect sensitive customer data against potential cyber threats and unauthorized access. 

Central to these measures was establishing a dedicated secure room inside the Client’s premises, meticulously designed to serve as the project’s operational hub. We configured the computers to work without internet connectivity within this controlled environment and denied USB access. Those strict security measures allowed NAOS CX to mitigate the data exfiltration risk effectively. 

Success Stories in Outsourced Business Support

NAOS CX, jointly with the Client, developed a strict security policy prohibiting introducing personal electronic devices, writing materials (pens or papers), or USB keys in the secure room. All entrances and exits to the room were controlled by a security guard, thereby eliminating all possible data leakage vectors.

To complement the physical security controls, NAOS CX required all team members to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), legally binding them to confidentiality and ensuring their full compliance with data protection regulations. This multi-layered approach to security underscored NAOS CX’s commitment to maintaining the integrity and privacy of the Client’s data.


Results and Improvements

The collaboration between NAOS CX and the Client culminated in a transformative overhaul of the customer database, yielding significant improvements in data accuracy, security, and operational efficiency. 

We obtained a unified and streamlined database through the meticulous revision of 18,200 housing contracts, the update of 15,300 customer accounts, and the enhancement of 4,400 club memberships established. The initiative also identified and resolved 500 duplicates and 394 invalid accounts, enhancing database integrity and reducing inefficiencies.

NAOS CX developed a comprehensive data entry guideline and a duplicate detection methodology to solidify the Client’s operational framework further. This approach optimized data management and leveraged the database for effective communication, enriching customer experience and reinforcing market leadership.


Lessons Learned and Future Plans

This project illuminated the importance of a structured data entry methodology and the need for ongoing improvements to data management practices. NAOS CX gained valuable insights into enhancing data security and accuracy. 

NAOS CX has been entrusted with another batch of data cleansing for the first semester of 2024, signaling a renewed partnership based on success and trust. This case highlights NAOS CX’s commitment to delivering superior customer experience services and underscores the critical role of data management in modern business operations.




The Client and NAOS CX partnership led to a groundbreaking transformation in customer data management, achieving unparalleled data accuracy and operational efficiency. The Client now enjoys streamlined communications and enhanced customer engagement with consolidated customer databases. 

This Back Office Outsourcing Customer success story exemplifies how NAOS CX’s expertise can revolutionize customer experience strategies. Companies seeking to elevate their customer service and data security standards are encouraged to explore how NAOS CX could drive similar advancements in their operations.

For a detailed discussion on leveraging these insights for your business, reaching out to NAOS CX is your next strategic step.

Find more information on the relationship between Back-Office Outsourcing and Customer Experience in our blog post Why Back-Office Outsourcing Is Key To Superior Customer Experience.

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