NAOS CX Live Chat Assistant 24/7

Do not leave your online prospects with their questions unanswered
Talk with us, and we will help you convert prospects into clients.

If you're looking for a professional all-in-one solution for live chat services and live chat support, then you have here the right choice. NAOS CX is the best live chat customer service for overall functionality with plenty of support-focused features that will satisfy the needs of your business.

How can you prevent your website visitors and customers from leaving?

By providing live chat customer service, our dedicated team of assistants ensures that your customers’ questions are promptly answered. They maintain an active presence on all your platforms and guide prospects throughout their buying journey. Our assistants are adept at resolving issues as they arise, maximizing sales opportunities.

Our support specialists work tirelessly to address your customers’ inquiries in the most effective way possible. They respond in a timely, intelligent, proactive, and empathetic manner. They understand the needs of a global audience, delivering a high-quality service that boosts conversion rates.


For more information about our services and the latest news


For more information about our services and the latest news

NAOS CX Live Chat Assistant service

Will get

24/7 service
Be available for your customers around the clock, every day of the year.
Multilingual service
Expand your markets with native-speaking agents in up to 20 languages.
Chat by your rules
We plug in seamlessly with your favorite technological solution or CRM
Conversations everywhere
Engage with prospects and customers across your website and social media: Messenger, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Get better results at a lower price when ordering all services:
Customer Service, Technical Support, Telemarketing and Telesales, Back Office Outsourcing

A Contact Center for Outsourced Customer Experience

Know more

How can I guarantee the quality of the outsourced live chat assistant?

The quality of our live chat agents is guaranteed by our dedicated Quality Department, which monitors the chat activity in real-time and performs post-chat analyses. They allow us to evaluate the adherence to the knowledge base and to proceed to its enrichment whenever it is possible.

We also evaluate the quantitative performance of the agents through KPIs, such as response time, the number of tickets resolved, waiting time, etc.
At the end of a chat session, we can ask users if they were satisfied with the service provided. The NPS score will indicate qualitatively how well our agents are performing.

Can I have a live chat assistant service 24/7?

Yes, we can provide 24/7 service to your customers.

We do it already for several clients, including in the medical sector, providing patient support for a group of clinics in the USA, 24/7. We do our best to provide high-quality support around the clock and 365 days a year.

If you want a live chat assistant service 24/7, just let us know, and we will take care of it!

On which channels do you provide the live chat assistant service?

We’re happy to help you connect with your customers no matter where they are!

Our assistant can connect to any of your live-chat channels: on your website or your social media profiles (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Youtube, you name it).

If you have any questions about the best way to use our assistant, feel free to reach out anytime!


Talk with us, and we will be there for your customers. Anytime.
21 Masr Helwan Agricultural Road st.
Maadi, Cairo, EGYPT.
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USA: +1 646 895 6856
FRA: +33 2 30 96 17 84
EGP: +20 2 276 89 719

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Copyright by NAOS Solutions. All rights reserved.