A roadmap to outsourcing customer service (5 steps)


Of course, the right service provider and the right planning are essential for successfully outsourcing your customer service department.

5 steps to outsourcing customer service:

We summed up the Roadmap to outsource customer service in 5 steps:

  1. The Contract
  2. The Processes
  3. The Technology
  4. The Training
  5. The Reporting

outsourcing customer service roadmap
Roadmap to outsource customer service in 5 steps: the Contract, the Processes, the Technology, the Training, and the Reporting.

  1. Contract:

    Prepare an effective contractual agreement for both parties. Make sure it covers the following parts:

    • a detailed description of the outsourced service,
    • the technical requirements,
    • the administration of the contract,
    • the financial elements.
  2. Processes:

    Set up productive operations.

    • Prepare and manage your current personnel,
    • define the standard operating procedures,
    • hold a quick-off meeting,
    • and frequently review your service provider’s performance.
  3. Technology:

    Transfer your inbound interactions smoothly.

    • Evaluate the cost of call transfers,
    • efficiently synchronize the queues, make sure every inbound interaction is taken into account,
    • grant access to your tools to the service provider.
  4. Training:

    Establish a solid training program.

    • Design the initial training on technical and soft skills,
    • plan and implement the continuous training program,
    • build the knowledge base,
    • how to detect when a need for on-the-spot training emerges
  5. Reporting:

    Ensure a healthy collaboration between you and your service provider.

    • Determine the frequency and the delivery process of reports,
    • activity and calls report,
    • agent performance report,
    • ticket and transactions report,
    • quality report.

With all these points covered, you are ensuring that your collaboration with your service provider starts on a solid foundation.

You can consult the complete guide the following link:

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